ADD- Stands for Attention Deficit Disorder is a Attention Disorder that effects peoples ability to focus on specific task. Such as school work or other activities we do in our daily life(Griffin 1).
ADHD- Stands for Attention deficient Hyperactivity Disorder. This disorder is very similar to ADD with one difference, being the level of activity in that individual. This can make kids more hyperactive starting from a young age(Griffin 1).
Limited attention
Learning disability
Limited attention
Learning disability
Prescribing cognitive-enhancing medication from a doctor.
Different types of therapy for example intervention for help with school work and social life.
Support groups may be helpful to interact with other people who may have the same disorder.
Family Thearpy
Visiting a clinical psychologist for further assistance
Aerobic exercise has shown moderate improvements in core symptoms (attention, hyperactivity, and related symptoms in patients dealing with ADD or ADHD(Cerillio-Urbina1).
Yoga once a week has shown improvements in anxiety, and social problems in kids with ADHD (Garcia- Hermoso 1).